Monday, November 2, 2009


Sorry for the recent lack of posts. Life here in London has gotten pretty crazy, but I vow to stop being so M.I.A. from this blog. Because it's been so long since I last wrote, here's a recap of what I've been up to...

Mid-October was filled with frantic attempts to plan a (last-minute) fall break excursion while simultaneously planning what to do when my parents came to visit and finishing reading and studying for midterms before they arrived. On Monday, October 19th, Mom and Dad flew into London to stay for a week! Having them here was amazing, but more on that later. I spent every waking class-free second Monday and Tuesday with Mom and Dad, soaking up my time with them and re-sightseeing London.

Wednesday the world travelers jet-set off to Paris, to spend their 31st Anniversary in the city of love. Meanwhile, I had 4 midterms and a midterm paper on Wednesday and Thursday. On Friday my roommates left for fall break, but I stuck around to spend the remainder of my parent's London visit with them. Saturday morning my parents came back and I spent the weekend with them.

Monday they flew out of Heathrow back to the states, and I packed my bags and left for fall break in Spain! I returned from Spain this weekend, and have since been trying frantically to catch up on fast-approaching deadlines for jobs, scholarships and graduation, and finalize travel plans to Brussels and Ireland, as well as plan out my sister's upcoming visit to London.

So that's what I've been up to. It's hard to complain when everything on your to-do list takes place in Europe, and trust me, I'm not complaining. Crossing "buy ticket to Dublin" off my list beats snowshoeing to a SU midterm any day.