I am blessed to have a large, close-knit family, but studying abroad makes it difficult to keep in touch with everyone. I started this blog to let my family and friends know what I'm up to here in London. In doing this, I hope it can be of interest or use to people curious about London or other students planning to study abroad. Also, as a journalism student, blogging makes sure I continue to write while I am here. Going along with this is my involvement with the school paper. Because most of my readers don't go to Syracuse, I want to explain a little what I mean when I post something and say it was for The Daily Orange.
The DO is Syracuse's student-run newspaper, and I think it's safe to say that nearly everyone on campus picks it up. Each week I am writing a 500 word travel column for the opinion section. These articles will be printed in the paper edition and posted on the DO's website, but I will also post them here. They'll be different from my other posts because they are longer and geared toward a student audience, so they talk more about college life.