Thursday morning I woke up naturally to bright, morning sunshine streaming across my white, fluffy comforter and the pale wooden floors. There have been many days in my life, and I'm sure they'll be many more, when I wake up and know exactly what I'll be doing that day. The monotonous rhythm of a planned schedule can make your whole day seem like a chore. Knowing you'll be walking to the same places, going to the same classes, talking with the same people, and sitting in the same places, makes all those things uninteresting.
But waking up in London, especially on a sunny day without the buzz of an alarm, feels like waking up to possibilities. On Thursday I woke up knowing I'd go to class for a few hours, but having no clue what else I would do, where else I would go, who I might meet. Maybe that's something that comes with moving to any city, but it's enjoyable all the same.