Wednesday, October 14, 2009

caffeine dilemma

Not to be a coffee snob, but this girl needs caffeine and lately Britain just isn't cutting it. First off, coffee with cream isn't an option at every coffee chain. Why? I have no clue. Caffe Americano is not filter coffee, but watered down espresso. Kind of gross. The height of my coffee chain disappointment is that hazelnut coffee, my ultimate favorite morning beverage, does not exist. 

These things are all sad facts I learned early on in Britain, but yesterday I was given a whole new disappointment. Fall has started to settle in here. Leaves are changing, the wind's blowing and the weather is colder. Like the US, there's a Starbucks on nearly every corner here. Fall at Starbucks means one thing- Pumpkin Spice Latte. I rushed off before class, so excited to get one, only to find Starbucks doesn't have them. I ran down to the next coffee shop, Costa, but they didn't have it either. 5 Coffee chains and not a single one has pumpkin spice. I settled for some sub-par coffee and got ready to go to class. Just as I was walking out the door, Taylor Swift came on the coffee shop radio. As happy as I was, you've got to wonder... how is it that they have country music but not flavored coffee?